Wow...sis we made it! 2022 is here and I am so excited about this point in time. If I take a brief moment to reflect on 2021, it was beautiful, transforming, renewing, delivering, healing, and a forgiving year. Just when I thought I was in a much better space mentally and emotionally, God wasn't done with me just yet. There was still some plucking and purging that needed to be done. I'm still a little sore from it, but I thank God for it all!
Since we last talked I hit a new age. I turned 40 in October of 2021, and your girl celebrate life in the beginning of a new decade my way! My way was so me. The "me" part that I almost lost, but I found her again. I'm excited because I feel like I am stepping into the realm of a mega beginning that I am about to turn flips in. My prayer has been, "God allow me to see myself how you see me." I'm starting to really see how the King of King sees me. WOW! That's literally an Ahhh moment. I'm so grateful for it.
I'm sure the title seems very familiar. At a wedding, a bride and groom are saying their vows to one another. Part of that vow says, for better and for worse. Following that, more is said. Then the infamous... I do. I created a mission statement for my life, and in that mission statement is the word intentional (on purpose). I decided to start living my life with intention. Be intentional in praying, fasting, giving, parenting my son, my friendships, my relationship, and how I spend my money and my time. I decided I am going to be intentional about being whole. What better way to make a vow about myself and saying something that would stick. So I took the worse out and added whole. For better and for whole...I do! I will do the work, I will do what is necessary, I will do what has to be done in order to be whole. The bible says, "So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority." Colossians 2:10 (NLT) I have a union with Christ, and in that union I am complete. Not how the world says we should be complete, but in a holy completeness. The world we live in has different definitions on what is and should be. That's why it also says in the bible, "If you decide that it’s a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you’d rather serve—and do it today." Joshua 24:15 (MSG) When God whispered to me to start this ministry, I knew the assignment was to encourage, applaud, and treasure those around me. Most importantly I was to do it for myself. I've never had much of an issue with being a motivator, encourager, and helper for others I do it cheerfully. I've had the issue with my self esteem. I've had an issue with being insecure. It's because of the way I saw myself. I discounted who I was. This is why I made the vow for Better and for Whole...I do. It's intentional.
I encourage you to be intentional with every intent of being different, bold, seeking wisdom and being free. I had a dream recently and in the dream I perceived it to be about someone else. After sitting with it for awhile, the Holy Spirit begin to reveal it was about me. So I'm going to release it to you. THERE IS NOTHING CHEAP ABOUT YOU! You are EXPENSIVE! The blood that was shed for you is costly and nothing is cheap about it! It's not on sale, marked down, or on layaway. So, remember that the next time you want to devalue yourself. Remember just how expensive you are!
Sis, Let's E.A.T. Encourage, Applaud and Treasure others and ourselves. I'm hungry for it and I'm eating, come join me!
Hugs and Kisses 💜
