Fear is so ugly, it makes me sick
Always trying to slide in my life so slick
I can't believe I let it stay in me so long
After day one it should've been gone
The ease it trys to have on my Faith
It sometimes gets me caught up in an unbelievable way
Fear is control of one's life in chains and metal bars
No wonder getting free can seem so hard
It's the truth, that its a spirit from the dark world
With a solid mission to make your life, spiral and twirl
I can't understand what attracted me to its swag
That must've been the day my prayer life dragged
There's a clear reason God said meditate on my word day and night
He knew fear was planning an unfair fight
Now that I know fear has a first name
I won't be ashame to let fear know two can play this game
It's something about little kids when it comes to fear, they have NONE! They jump on the bed and never consider what a fall may do. They will jump into a mud puddle with all their clothes on and think nothing of it. They will ride every ride at an amusement park no matter how fast or high and fear nothing. They will speak with no fear, but always with complete honesty.
2 Timothy 1:7 message version says, God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.
When I thought about fear, I immediately thought of David. From the beginning when we are introduced to David in 1 Samuel, he has always been an outsider. He was literally outside when Samuel came to his father's Jesse house to anoint the next king. Simply minding his business of tending to his flock. He had no idea that on one particular day he would be anointed king. It's so much wisdom in that, but we are going E.A.T on that another day.
David had no fear! I want us to look at the story of David and Goliath in a new way. I would like to encourage you before we start to indulge in the word, take a moment and picture a giant (what you consider a big deal) you may have in your life right now.
1 Samuel 17, starts off telling us about the battle at Judah. Saul and the Israelites were going up against the Philistines. The Philistines champion by the name of Goliath came out from the camp. He was nine feet and nine inches tall. So intimidating to say the least, the Isrealites trembled at his appearance. Then he would say to them (verse 8-9) "Why do you come out to line up in battle formation? Am I not a Philistine and are you not a servant of Saul? Choose one of your men and have him come down against me and if he kills me we will be your servants, but if I win against him and kill him then you will be our servants and serve us." (Verse 11) When Saul and the Israelites heard that they lost courage and were terrified.
Let's pause for a moment and chew on this, sis, now that you are picturing that giant, have you lost courage and become terrified like the Israelites?
This is where the story starts to get good. Let's rewind just a little bit. In 1 Samuel 16, it gives details on David being anointed to be king. David is the youngest of 8 sons. He has to be between the age of 13-16. Just a teenager. Yes, a teenager.
Back in 1 Samuel 17 (verse 17-20) Jesse told his son David to take some food and check on his brothers well being at the camp. Three of them were there fighting in the war against the Philistines. So, David did what his dad asked and left that next morning. (Verse 22) David arrived and checked on the well being of his brother, at that time he saw Goliath come out and he said the same thing to them (Verse 26) that he had said before. David asked one of the men standing by him," what will be done for the man that kills him?" Basically the person who did kill Goliath, would become very rich and Saul's daughter would be given to him in marriage, and the man's family wouldn't have to pay taxes.
David's curiosity (questions) annoyed his brothers because they were afraid. They didn't like David's fearlessness. (Verse 28)
Side dish, sis don't let someone else's fear discourage you!
At this time, Saul overheard David and called to him. David told Saul don't be discouraged I'll fight him. (Verse 31-32)
Saul replied, but your to young. (Verse 33)
Side dish, sis age is just a number. Fear and courage doesn't care how old you are!
Now, David let Saul know that he's been here before. He explained to Saul how he had to fight lions and bears that would come after his flock. In other words, David was saying I'm not AFRAID of no giant!! (Verse 34)
After hearing David's response, Saul tried to put his military clothes on David, but David declined. It was not what he was use too. (Verse 38)
Side dish, sis don't ever let someone put something on you, because it's what they are use too!
Finally, David grabbed his bag of stones and slingshot and slung it at the giant. Wait for it......Wait...for.. it. The giant was hit slap dead in the forehead!!! Down goes Goliath! (Verse 49)
Remember, David was just a teenager but yet he defeated Goliath. Everybody else tremble with fear but David knew how God had kept him against bears and lions. This was going to be easy for God. In the words of Tye Tribbett "If he did it before he will do it agan!"
My My My!!! I'm full!!! Dessert will have to wait because this serving of God's word is more than enough. It's real when I say encourage yourself. I know the effects of encouraging oneself. In this moment say aloud, Giant ___________ (call it by name), I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!
Share, encourage another woman and don't stop encouraging yourself.
Do you want to talk more? Feel free to email me at iamhungrytooo@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you.
Let's E.A.T together!
Hugs and Kisses 💜
