During a typical workday I was out in the field doing what I do. Selling! I’m a sales rep for a franchise company. While driving down a familiar road heading to an appointment I heard God's whisper loud and clear. I was in traffic and notice more brake lights and cars moving from lane to lane trying to avoid something in the road. It was a goose that was in the middle of the road trying to get to the lake on the other side. As I approached the goose tip toeing across the street and drivers swerving left and right trying not to hit the bird, I clearly heard a whisper saying, "why is the bird choosing to walk, when I‘ve given, it wings to fly?”
I was speechless. I heard him say this and yet, I knew God wasn't just talking to me about the goose. He was talking to me about me. It was like a parable. It reminded me of how Jesus often gave the disciples parables to understand things that He was doing.
For example:
Jesus told a very popular parable of a Good Samaritan in the holy Bible. The Gospel of Luke (10:29-37) describes that there was a traveler (who may have been a Jew), whom some people had robbed and beaten alongside the road, then left him. A Levite and a priest passed through that way, but both ignored the man.
Eventually, a Samaritan came by and helped the injured and miserable man, without thinking about his race or religious belief (generally, Samaritans despised Jews). Later, the traveler revealed himself to be the Christ. The moral of this parable is to help all those who are in need, without having prejudice for anyone due to perceived differences.
Why are you choosing__________________ when God has given you________________. I had a fill in the blank moment. Now you fill in the blank. What do you hear God whisper to you.
Why was the goose making life harder, and dangerous by walking in traffic when all he had to do was flap his wings and he would've been lifted into the sky. What is keeping us grounded that God is trying to lift us higher. 2 Peter 1:3; By his divine power the Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of the one who called us by his own honor and glory. Our choosing opposite of what is in us makes things harder for us.
I encourage you to ask God what you may be choosing that contradicts what God has given you. Just like the bird, he made it to the other side but all he went through to get there wasn't even necessary.
Let's E.A.T